
Hello and welcome to Mindstuff based in and around Tyrone! I’m Melanie, a professional who embarked on a transformative journey later in life, transitioning from a successful corporate career to Psychotherapeutic counselling and Mindfulness.

"Your past does not define you and I want to help you to redesign your future in accordance with your values"

Melanie McGee

Specialised therapist and course leader

Leadership Stats

Therapy and mindfulness from an expert

Success for all
clients so far
0 %
Clients consulted
in total
0 +
Certificates and
awards globally
0 +
Years of coaching
0 +
A little bit about me - My passions

A therapist, a wife and a proud mother


Do you seek a sense of control?

I am passionate about helping people to overcome the obstacles and challenges that they face in life and to give them back a sense of themselves and control over their own lives.


Is talking therapy not for you?

I am passionate about the creative use of therapies and including movement (dance, qigong, mindful walks), art (origami, Mandala, Stone painting), sand tray work Loving Kindness, Self Compassion, Compassion Jars as aide memoirs.


Do you enjoy being in nature?

I am passionate about nature and the benefits of being in a natural setting. I firmly believe that nature has a lot to teach us and can help to calm and restore us.

Training & Qualifications
- Certified Mindfulness Teacher - Certified teacher of ACT and Mindful Movement - Honours Degree in Philosophy University of Ulster -
Training & Qualifications
- Level 6 Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling - Level 5 in Therapeutic Counselling - Level 4 in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - Level 4 in Approaches to Counselling Children and Young People -
Training & Qualifications
- Level 4 in Person-Centred Therapy - Level 4 in Working with Trauma - ASCERT Supporting Family Members affected by Substance Abuse - Safeguarding for Children and Adults -

Member Organisations

national counselling and psychotherapy society
professional standards authority
Service prices

Simple prices, flexible options, & nothing hidden

Counselling from


per 50 minute session

Courses from


per week for a 10-week course

Get Started Now By Booking a Discovery Call

Ready to start your journey toward well-being? Book a therapy session or wellness course today and invest in a healthier, happier you.

Dial now

07701 038 827

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